Floating on a Malayan Breeze:Travels in Malaysia and Singapore博客來好書熱銷

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內容簡介: What happens after a country splits apart?Forty-five years ago Singapore separated from Malaysia. Since then, the two countries have developed along their own paths. Malaysia has given preference to the majority Malay Muslims—the bumiputera, or sons of the soil. Singapore, meanwhile, has tried to build a meritocracy—ostensibly colour-blind, yet more encouraging perhaps to some Singaporeans than to others. How have these policies affected ordinary people?How do these two divergent nations now see each other and the world around them?

Seeking answers to these questions, two Singaporeans set off to cycle around Peninsular Malaysia, armed with a tent, two pairs of clothes and a daily budget of three US dollars each. They spent 30 days on the road, cycling through every Malaysian state, and chatting with hundreds of Malaysians. Not satisfi ed, they then went on to interview many more people in Malaysia and Singapore. What they found are two countries that have developed economically but are still struggling to find their souls.


Sudhir Thomas Vadaketh is a senior editor with the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). He comments博客來網路書店 on macroeconomic, political and business issues in Asia, and has written for a variety of publications, including The Economist and The Straits Times. Born in Singapore, he left after junior college and mandatory military service to study at Berkeley and Harvard. He returned home in 2005, where he lives with his wife and their two cat信貸s.






  • 出版社:香港大學出版社    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2012/09/01
  • 語言:英文

Floating on a Malayan Breeze:Travels in Malaysia and Singapore博客來好書熱銷

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